Indian robowar rules and specification pdf
1.1 Dimension and fabrication
Table of Contents
(1) Indian robowar rules The machine should slot in a box of dimension 750mm ×750mm × 1000mm (Length×Breadth×Height) at any point during the Match. It should not be out of dimension and weight class. The external device used to control the machine (Warbot) and any external tank isn’t included within the dimensions. robowar
(2) The warbot should not exceed its weight category 57.5 Kg (120 Pounds) and will be quite 27.5 Kg (60 Pound) of weight including the weight of the pneumatic source/tank. All the pneumatic tank/Source and batteries should be on board. the load of the remote controllers will not be counted.
1.2 Dimension & Fabrications of 30kg – 60Kg Warbot
30 kg War bot specification
(1) The machine must fit in a box of dimension 750mm x 750mm x 750mm (l x b x h) at any given point during the match. The external device used to control the machine or any external tank is not included in the size constraint.
(2) The machine should not exceed 30 kg of weight including the weight of the pneumatic source/tank.
(3) For weight calculations, all pneumatic source/tanks and batteries will be
considered. The weight of the remote controller will not be counted. The machine should not intentionally be split into components or any parts should not intentionally be detached from the machine at any point of the match.
60 kg warbot specifications
(1) The machine should fit in a box of dimension 1000mm x 1000mm x 1000mm (l x b x h) at any given point during the match. The external device used to control the
machine or any external tank is not included in the size constraint.
(2) The machine should not exceed 60 kg of weight including the weight of
pneumatic source/tanks.
(3) For weight calculations, all pneumatic source/tanks and batteries will be
considered. The weight of the remote controller will not be counted. The machine should not intentionally be split into components or any parts should not be intentionally detached from the machine at any point of the match.
2.1 RoboWar Match Duration.
Matches shall be 3 minutes of active fight time exclusive of any time-outs. Hence, it is not binding but advisable to keep battery capacity, power usage and machine defences such that they can sustain a 3 minutes fight.
3.1 Mobility Indian robowar rules
All robots must have easily visible controlled mobility includes the following points.
(1) Rolling (Wheels, track, or the entire robot)
(2) Non-Wheeled robot having no rolling element in tune with the bottom of the floor and no continuous rolling or cam operated motion in contact with the floor either directly or via a linkage. Motion is continuous if the continual operation of the drive motors produces continued motion of the robot. linear actuated legs and novel none wheeled drive systems come under this category.
(3) jumping and hopping aren’t allowed.
(4) flying(Using airfoil, helium balloons, ornithopters, etc) isn’t allowed.
4.1 Robot Control Requirements Indian Robowar Rules.
(1) The machine/warbot is often controlled through a wireless remote only and wire bots are not allowed. the facility supply should be onboard only. Refer following points for battery and power supply.
(2) There should be binding capacity between transmitter and receiver that they must connect between polycarbonate (6mm), metal bars barriers.
Remote with such a facility will not be allowed
(3) The team must have at least 4 channel wireless remote control circuits or two dual-channel wireless remotes. which can be interchanged before the beginning of the war to avoid frequency interference with other teams. The case of any interference within the wireless system won’t be considered for rematch or results.
(4) A remote control system from toys might be used. remote control systems available in the market may also be used.
(5) Self-Made or Nonstandard remote control systems must first be approved by the organizers.
(6) Team should pair up the wireless remote with the warbot before putting it into the arena

5.1 Battery and Power Supply
(1) The Warbot is often powered electrically only. the utilization of an IC engine in any form isn’t allowed. Onboard batteries must be sealed, immobilized electrolyte types such as NiMH, dry cell, lithium, NiCad.
(2) The electrical voltage between two points anywhere within the Warbot should not be quite 36 volt DC at any point in time.
(3) All efforts must be made to protect battery terminals against an instantaneous short and causing A battery fire, failure to undertake to try to do so will cause direct disqualification.
(4) Use damaged, non-leak-proof batteries may cause disqualification.
(5) Special care should be taken by the team to protect the onboard batteries. If judges found that the battery isn’t properly protected. then the team is immediately disqualified.
(6) change of batteries won’t be allowed during the match.
(7) Only bots with onboard batteries are Allowed. It suggested to possess a further battery ready and changed up during competition so that on advancing to a subsequent level, you don’t get to wait or suffer thanks to the uncharted battery. If the teams don’t show up on the allotted slot, they will be disqualified.
6.1 Pneumatics
(1) Robots can use pressurized non-inflammable gases to actuate pneumatic devices. the utmost allowed outlet nozzle pressure is 12 bar. The tank and pressure regulators employed by teams need to be certified and teams using pneumatics are required to provide the safety and Security letters at the Registration Desk at the venue. Failing to undertake to try to do so will cause direct disqualification.
(2) Participants must be ready to indicate the used pressure with an integrated or temporarily fitted pressure gauge. Also, there should be a provision to ascertain the cylinder pressure on the bot.
(3) the utmost pressure within the cylinder shouldn’t exceed the rated pressure at any point in time.
(4) you want to have a secure way of refilling the system and determining the onboard pressure.
(5)All pneumatic components onboard a robot must be securely mounted. Care must be taken while mounting the pressure vessel and armor to form sure that if ruptured it’ll not escape the robot. The terms ‘pressure vessel, bottle, and source tank’ are used interchangeably.
(6)Entire pneumatic setup should get on board, no external input (from outside the arena) is often given to the robot for the functioning of its pneumatic system.
7.1 Hydraulics
(1) Warbot can use non-inflammable liquid to actuate hydraulic devices and weapons e.g. cylinders, lifters
(2) All hydraulic components on-board must be securely mounted. Special care must be taken while mounting the accumulator, pump, and armor to ensure that if ruptured direct fluid streams will not escape the robot.
(3) All hydraulic liquids are required to be non-corrosive and your device should be leakproof.
(4) Maximum allowed pressure is 12 bars.
(5) Participants must be able to indicate the used pressures with an integrated or temporarily fitted pressure gauge.
(6) Entire hydraulic setup should be on board, no external input (from outside the arena) can be given to the robot for the functioning of its hydraulic system.
8.1 Weapons Systems
Robots can have any kind of magnetic weapons, cutters, flippers, saws, lifting devices, spinning hammers etc. as weapons with the following exceptions and limitations:
(1) Liquid projectiles.
(2) Any kind of inflammable liquid.
(3) Flame-based weapons.
(4) Any kind of explosive or intentionally ignited solid or potentially ignitable solid.
(5) Nets, tape, glue, or any other entanglement device.
(6) High power magnets or electromagnets.
(7) Radio jamming, Tasers, tesla coils, or any other high-voltage device.
(8) Tethered or un-tethered projectiles.
(9) Any kind of spinning weapon or the robot itself should not cause any damage to the Arena.
9.1 Criteria for victory in Robowar
(1) A robot is declared victorious if its opponent is immobilized.
(2) A robot will be declared immobile if it cannot display the linear motion of at least one inch in a timed period of 10 seconds. A bot with one side of its drivetrain disabled will not be counted out if it can demonstrate some degree of controlled movement. In case both the robots remain mobile after the end of the round then the winner will be decided subjectively.
(3) A robot that is deemed unsafe by the judges after the match has begun will be disqualified and therefore, declared the loser. The match will be immediately halted and the opponent will be awarded a win.
(4) If a robot is thrown out of the arena the match will be stopped immediately, and the robot inside the arena will automatically be declared as the winner.
(5) Robots cannot win by pinning or lifting their opponents. Organizers will allow pinning or lifting for a maximum of 20 seconds per pin/lift then the attacker robot will be instructed to release the opponent. If, after being instructed to do so, the attacker can release but does not, there a robot may be disqualified. If two or more robots become entangled or a crushing or gripping weapon is employed and becomes trapped within another robot, then the competitors should make the timekeeper aware, the fight should be stopped and the robots separated by the safest means.
(6) Points will be given based on aggression, damage, control and strategy.
NOTE: Qualification of a robot to the next level Is subjective and totally on the decision of the judges.
10.1 Robowar Arena Specifications
Safety Precautions: The battle area available to the robots for motion, during the match, shall be 1 to 2 feet inside the polycarbonate walls, to prevent direct impact. The arena shall be protected by polycarbonate walls of 8mm thickness at four sides (excluding the top). The top shall be protected by an 8mm polycarbonate sheet.

11.1 Indian RoboWar Safety Rules
Compliance with all event rules is mandatory. It is expected that competitors stay within the principles and procedures of their own accord and don’t require constant policing.
1) Special care should be taken to protect the onboard batteries and pneumatics, robot without proper protection will not be allowed to compete.
(2) If you have a robot or weapon design that can not fit within the categories outlined in these rules or is in some way ambiguous or borderline, please contact the event organizers. Safe innovation is usually encouraged, but surprising the organizers together with your brilliant exploitation of a loophole may cause your robot to be disqualified before it even competes.
(3) Each event has safety inspections. It is at their sole discretion that your robot is allowed to compete or not. As a builder, you are obligated to disclose all operating principles & potential dangers to the inspection staff.
(4) Proper activation and deactivation of robots are critical. Robots must only be activated within the arena, testing areas, or with the expressed consent of the event coordinators.
(5) All weapons must have a security cover on any sharp edges.
(6) All participants build & operate their robots at their own risk. Combat robotics is inherently dangerous. There is no amount of regulation that can encompass all the dangers involved. Please look out to not hurt yourself or others when building, testing & competing. Any activity (repairing, battery handling, pneumatics systems, etc.) which can cause damage to the environment during the stay of the teams within the competition area shouldn’t be carried out without the consent of organizers. Not following this rule may result in disqualification.
(7)All the resources provided at the time of competition from the organizers should be strictly used only after the consent of the organizers.
(8) Once the robots have entered the arena, no team member can enter in the arena at any point in time. In case if a fight has to be halted in between and some changes have to be done in the arena or condition on the robots, it will be done by organizers only. Indian robowar rules.
RoboWar Judging Criteria
(1) A robot is declared victorious if its opponent is immobilized.
(2) A robot will be declared immobile if it cannot display the linear motion of at least one inch in a timed period of 30 seconds. A robot with one side of its drive train disabled will
not be counted out if it can demonstrate some degree of controlled movement. In case
both the robots remain mobile after the end of the round then the winner will be decided subjectively.
(3) A robot that is deemed unsafe by the judges after the match has begun will be
disqualified and therefore declared the loser. The match will be immediately halted and
the opponent will be awarded a win.
(4) If a robot is thrown out of the arena the match will stop immediately, and the robot
still inside the arena will automatically be declared as the winner.
(5) Robots cannot win by pinning or lifting their opponents. Organizers will allow pinning or lifting for a maximum of 10 seconds per pin/lift then the attacker robot will be instructed to release the opponent. If, after being instructed to do so, the attacker is able to release but does not, their robot may be disqualified. If robots become entangled or a crushing or gripping weapon is employed and becomes trapped within another robot, then the competitors should make the timekeeper aware, the fight should be stopped and the robots separated by the safest means. Points will be given based on aggression, damage, control and strategy.
1. Aggression – Aggression is judged by the frequency, severity, boldness and
effectiveness of attacks deliberately initiated by the robot against its opponent. If a robot
appears to have accidentally attacked an opponent, that act will not be considered
2. Control – Control means a robot can attack an opponent at its weakest point, use
its weapons in the most effective way, and minimize the damage caused by the opponent
or its weapons.
3. Damage – Through deliberate action, a robot either directly or indirectly reduces the
functionality, effectiveness or defensibility of an opponent. Damage is not considered
relevant if a robot inadvertently harms itself. Also, if a pressure vessel or a rapidly spinning
the device on a robot fragments, any damage to the opponent will not be considered
4. Strategy –The robot exhibits a combat plan that exploits the robot’s strengths against
the weaknesses of its opponent. Strategy is also defined as a robot exhibiting a deliberate
defence plan that guards its weaknesses against the strengths of the opponent. ( Indian robowar rules)