
Team Unity Robotics West Bengal

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Team Unity Robotics West Bengal

The story behind Team Unity is not of today. We started our journey on October 2018 when all the members had just joined the college. Initially many of our seniors provided us with a hand of help in the field of manual robotics and gradually we fell in love with it. We made our first project of robotics for a model competition in the technical fest of IIEST Shibpur. From there, we started focusing on race / all-terrain bots. The name of the team then was – Photons. We participated in around all the Techfest of Kolkata, West Bengal, but our achievements were very limited rather we would say we failed heavily.

We learnt several things from our failures and tried to improve our bot. We tasted our first victory in Future Institute of Technology, Garia in 2019. But it was nothing major and still we were waiting for a break through.

Team Unity Robotics West Bengal
Team Unity Robotics West Bengal

At that point of time around 2019 we started watching battle-bots videos in YouTube and decided to create our own robowar bot in the category of 30kg. We shifted our interest a little bit to try something new. With some small amounts and high hopes, we built our first version of Robowar bot – “Sangrami” – a wedge bot of 30kg. We first played robowar in 2020 at our very own college – University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata Techfest – Ureckon.

Achievements of team Unity Robotics
Achievements of team Unity Robotics

We came 2nd in the event and we received our first ever recognition in 2020. We went on to come 3rd in Amity University Techfest in the event of robowar. Our motivations would not last longer as Covid came suddenly and we had to detach from robotics for a long time. But our intentions and passion didn’t detach. We modified our 30kg Robowar bot to 15kg and named it – Sangrami 2.0 to participate in the various 15kg Robowar events happening in West Bengal in 2022.

After the end of Covid, we joined hands with Team Incredibotz, another team from our own college and we decided to unite ourselves together and raise the bar for manual robotics in West Bengal. We joined our hands and a new team war formed – Team Unity.


The story behind Incredibotz is equally incredible. Incredibotz like Photons also had a tough start. But the first break through came in Ureckon 2022, annual Techfest of UEM, Kolkata, when they won 1st prize in robo race and 3rd prize in robo soccer. Incredibotz went on to win 1st and 2nd prize in all terrain event in RCCIIT, Kolkata, 2nd in all terrain event of FIEM, Kolkata, 2nd in all terrain event of FIT, Kolkata and 2nd in robo race event of Jadavpur University, Kolkata.

The vision of “Unity” was not to only unite our own team, but also to unite the whole community of West Bengal for a single love of Robotics. We put together our focus on building race / all-terrain bots. We built 3 race bots together – Unity Vayu, Unity Tejas, Unity Prithvi. In our first endeavor together, we came 1st in the annual Techfest of CIEM, Kolkata – Celsius 2022. And with this we got a breakthrough.

Achievements of team Unity Robotics
Achievements of team Unity Robotics

We participated in the 2023 Techfest of IIEST Shibpur and secured the positions of 1st and 3rd in robo race. Our next stop was Ureckon 2023. There we for the very first time in our journey swiped away all the three prizes (i.e. 1st, 2nd and 3rd) in the event of all-terrain bot.

We tied up with a junior team of our own college, named – Laggers and Team Unity became a large family of 15 members. Our vision was to train the juniors and let them conquer the world of robotics themselves, as we were getting very limited time in hand, handling jobs and robotics with two hands. The junior team bot was named – Garura. Unity Garura and Unity Tejas proved our vision right when they achieved the position of 1st and 3rd in the annual Techfest of Kalyani University, solely participated by the juniors only. We also secured the position of 2nd and 3rd in FIT, Garia.

Our second scoop came at CIEM 2023, when we again were able to achieve all the 3 positions in the all-terrain event. Our main target was to win in Paridhi 2023, the annual Techfest of Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology, Kolkata, highly considered as the best Techfest of Kolkata.

Our dream came true, when our bots came 1st and 3rd in the robo race event and 2nd in the all-terrain event. Conquering Paridhi was a dream for all of the members and after achieving such a feat the team became highly motivated. Our primary focus now is on the development of Robo soccer and Robowar bot. We hope to continue our journey and one day we dream of uniting all the robotics community of India.


1. 1ST AND 3RD position in Race in Instruo ’23 – Annual Techfest of IIEST Shibpur
2. 1ST, 2ND AND 3RD position in Race in Ureckon ’23 – Annual Techfest of UEM, Kolkata
3. 2ND AND 3RD in Race position in Unitron ’23 – Annual Techfest of FIT, Kolkata
4. 1ST, 2ND AND 3RD position in All-Terrain in Celsius ’23 – Annual Techfest of CIEM, Kolkata
5. 1ST AND 3RD position in Race in Expectro ’23 – Annual Techfest of Kalyani University
6. 1st AND 3rd position in Race and 2ND position in All-Terrain event in Paridhi ’23 – Annual Techfest of MSIT, Kolkata.
7. 1ST in Race and 3RD in Soccer in Ureckon ’22 – Annual Techfest UEM, Kolkata
8. 1ST in Race and 2ND in All-Terrain in Techtrix ’22 – Annual Techfest of RCCIIT
9. 2ND in All-Terrain in Phoenix ’22 – Annual Techfest of FIEM, Kolkata
10. 2ND in Race in Unitron ’22 – Annual Techfest of FIT, Kolkata
11. 2ND in Race in Srijan ’22 – Annual Techfest of Jadavpur University.
12. 2ND position in Robowar in Ureckon ’20 – Annual Techfest UEM, Kolkata
13. 3RD position in Robowar in Amiphoria’20 – Annual Techfest of Amity University.

As of today, we have 4 all-terrain bots – Unity Vayu, Unity Tejas, Unity Prithvi and Unity Garura.
We have two robo-soccer bots – Unity Rudra and Unity Pavan. We have one retired 15kg Robowar bot – Unity Sangrami.

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