DD Robocon stage 3 results
DD Robocon stage 3 results | The two-day national competition was hosted by Doordarshan and the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi at Thyagraj Stadium on July 16-17.
ABU Robocon
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Before this, a two-day event was organized on December 15-16, 2021, as a curtain raiser to DD Robocon 2022, wherein feedback and suggestions on previous Robocon competitions were shared by experts, and interactive sessions were held with participating teams.

Abu-Robocon was hosted by China in December 2021. Teams from Nirma University and Gujarat Technological University (GTU), Ahmedabad, who were the finalists, represented India in the global chapter of the competition.
On behalf of Prasar Bharati, board member Shaina NC received the ABU Robocon Flag from Shandong Radio & TV Station China, to host ABU Robocon 2022 international contest in New Delhi.
About DD Robocon 2022
DD-Robocon is a national competition organized by IIT Delhi for the Asian-Oceania college robot competition, organized internationally by Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU). According to ABU Robocon, the contest aims to create friendships among young people with similar interests who will lead their countries in the 21st century, as well as help advance engineering and broadcasting technologies in the region.
Robocon 2022 Team’s
In the competition, robots are pitted against each other to completion of a task in a set period. ABU-Robocon, founded way back in 2002, completes its 21st anniversary this year. As many as 43 teams were shortlisted from 80 teams from engineering institutes, which was held in the physical mode after a gap of two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

More than 150 professors, technical staff, and students from IIT Delhi and its neighboring colleges, including JNU and Jamia Millia, volunteered to organize the mega event with finesse.
This inter-institute competition was backed both technically and event managed by IIT Delhi’s not-for-profit companies namely Foundation for Smart Manufacturing (FSM) and I-Hub Foundation for Robotics (IHFC) – Technology Innovation Hub of the Institute, as knowledge partners.
How many countries are participating in DD robocon 2022 ?
“This year’s DD-Robocon is special as the event will be followed by the international show, ABU-Robocon 2022, on August 21, with teams from 13 countries participating,” said a senior program functionary of DD.
Witnessing the event with one robot trying to outsmart, outwit and outclass another robot in a fixed timeframe was a memorable, exciting, fun-filled affair.
The theme this year of DD ROBOCON is Lagori, one of the most played games in childhood. Lagori is a traditional and one of the most played ancient games that originate in the southern part of India.
It was one of the most popular games in India around the 1990s. One can find the game history in Bhagavata Purana, a Hindu religious text written around 5,000 years ago.
It mentions that Lord Krishna played this game with his friends. The game is between two teams (Team 1: “Seeker” and Team 2: “Hitter”) and the game starts by throwing a ball by the seeker to break a stone tower called “lagori”. While the seekers try to pile up the stones again, the hitter throws balls to interrupt them.
Theme of DD Robocon 2022
Buoyed by this theme, the men and machines – robots – were seen in action breaking the “lagori” and trying to pile up a set of five numbers of round-shaped objects. And that, too, to keep the ball perched delicately on the top from not falling down. Some made it at one go while others failed to do it at the given time. Some were attacked by the opponent robots even before they could accomplish the task!
Breaking the “lagori” and piling up was the first stage of the game followed by picking up of the balls and placing them at the net and then firing them simultaneously to displace the balls set on every four corners of the stage in just 45 seconds was by no means an easy task. It was all about precision and accurate timing – with the robot and the team maneuvering it having to work in perfect tandem.
Result of DD Robocon 2022
Institute of Technology, Nirma University from Ahmedabad, which has a proven track record having won the Robocon India competition 11 times, emerged the winner when they beat Government College of Engineering and Research, Avasari (GCOEARA), Pune by 10 points. Nirma scored 65 points while GCOEARA 55 points. Hope this time around India, which has so far made it to the quarter-finals stage only, will be able to put up sterling performances to go beyond that stage and emerge as champions. After all, the theme of this year’s event, “Lagori”, is a traditional game over which we have gained mastery down the ages and it might be our crowning glory!

Quite a good number of engineering institutions from Maharashtra, especially Pune, made entry to the event. Five teams from Pune alone viz., MIT World Peace University, Bract’s Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Government College of Engineering and Research Avasari, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, and Pune Institute of Computer Technology – made it to the quarter-finals stage with two teams from Gujarat and one from Maharashtra.
Need of Sponsors
Interestingly, there was not a single institute from the North-East or Eastern region that made it to the national competition. That was hugely disappointing given the fact that there are so many engineering institutions, IITs and IIITs, in this part of the country. Are we lagging behind in the field of robotics or are there other factors that are acting as a spanner in the wheels of progress of robotics is concerned?
Do we need a curriculum on robotics and automation more relevant to the industry and not just limited to mechanics and electronics? Is there a dearth of sponsors coming forward to foot the expenses of making the expensive robots, transportation, and other costs? Do we require states’ patronage to enable the engineering institutes with a pool of abundant latent talents to emerge in the national and international arenas?
The world has seen tremendous technological advancements in the field of robotics with countries like Japan and China and even Vietnam in the Asia Pacific Region contributing significantly towards it.
Robots, a great product of the human mind, have enabled tasks, even difficult ones to be performed in a hassle-free manner with precision and pinpoint accuracy.
The robotics revolution is rapidly accelerating, as fast-paced technological advances in automation, engineering, energy storage, artificial intelligence, and machine learning converge. The far-reaching results will transform the capabilities of robots and their ability to take over tasks once carried out by humans.
DD Robocon stage 3 results | Robotics India Live