Eco-friendly Aloe Vera batteries in India.
Most people about aloe vera natural moisturizer. what if anybody says it can generate electricity?
Yes, the electricity it’s true, you can also generate electricity from aloe vera. One Indian startup has successfully created an eco-friendly battery made up of aloe vera. Startup replaces toxic metals like lead and mercury in a dry cell. They used aloe vera extract and other herbs to build green E-cell. This is eco-friendly and non-hazardous.
Nimisha Varma ( Lucknow ) engineering graduate and Naveen Suman of Bundi ( Rajasthan ) create aloe vera extract and added herbal constituents that are used in beauty products and medicine to make key batteries electrolyte generally used in skin treatment, medicines, and a lot more. They found a method to generate electric energy from the chemical energy of aloe vera.
Lot’s of batteries are dumped in dumping yards or landfills. These batteries contain hazardous, toxic substances that eventually spread out in the environment. This E-cell startup can create a revolution in the next few years. It gives us a direction to use eco-friendly batteries. This startup was started in 2018 and won National Startup Award 2020, The innovation was also part of the Top 8 startups from all across the globe. “Innovation Summit ” organized by Schneider Electric, Barcelon